My Pampered not Perfect Journey: How I joined the Direct Sales World through Pampered Chef

Since you’ve found my little corner of the inter-webs, it’s important that you know a little bit from the heart and  about how I got here. Plus if you’ve ever even been the teeniest bit interested in what it’s like being in Direct Sales … and more specifically in Pampered Chef, keep on reading.


My hubs, who I’ll refer to as Dr. Fusion, and I decided before we even started a family that since he had a regular/sustainable income as a scientist (hence… Dr. Fusion), I would stay home. In 2010, when my daughter was born, I hung up my ‘heels’ ended my life in the corporate world. I truly thought that I was built for being the fun, Pinterest, doing crafts with kids,  Stay-at-Home Mom – boy, was I wrong. Please do not mis-read me here –  I’m SOOOO thankful for the opportunity to be with my kiddos but it just felt like I was losing myself. My identity was tied to being someone’s wife and someone’s mom. I missed having something that was MINE and MINE alone. I’m also a person who has to be intellectually challenged. Believe me, I struggled with feeling selfish for wanting to work when I really didn’t have to. I tried a couple of gigs – and they were just not flexible enough to keep up with all the things my family needed.


Enter a Virtual Pampered Chef Party in 2017! I had been a Pampered Chef fan for about 20 years at that point – hosted a few parties and a light bulb went off. As I watched the consultant run the party, I thought to myself that this was something that I could do in my own time at home and it would be FUN. I loved to cook. I loved to help people. I loved Pampered Chef. So… without even asking my husband (not necessarily advised … but I did it anyway), I signed up. Grabbed a business kit. I figured what do I have to lose if I signed up. The Pampered Chef police weren’t going to show up at my door if my business didn’t go anywhere. AND I got a ton of amazing products for SUPER CHEAP. Ha. Winning!! Turns out the most valuable ‘product’ in my Business kit – was the Business itself.


Turns out the most valuable ‘product’ in my Business kit – was the Business itself.


I listened to the person I signed under – did all of my training – followed the formula for success by listening to the others who had been in the biz for a while – and boom, my business was off to a good start. Fast forward from 2017 to now. Countless number of friends made (… like lifers – those friends that will always be your people) + So many Free Products earned (… can’t remember the last time I actually paid for a product) that we’re overflowing with PC + we were able to buckle down and be 100% debt free + many Incentive Trips earned and taken!*


My Pampered Chef business has been a game-changer for me and my family! I love talking to others that might be in a similar spot wanting something for YOU or maybe looking to pay down their debt or just in need of some extra income to make ends meet. I’d love to answer any questions that have crossed your mind even if you have a tiny bit of curiosity relating to any business in Direct Sales or Pampered Chef. Schedule a quick call with me or shoot me a message. No strings attached – ever!


What do you think? Would a Pampered Chef business or ANY Direct Sales business be right for you?


PS: I know phone calls can be challenging while juggling ALL. THE. THINGS. Feel free to simply reply with any questions or shoot me a text at 865-213-5445, too! 🙂

You can also check out the current offerings from Pampered Chef related HERE.


* Results like this in a Direct Sales business are not typical. I’m in the top 1% of consultants with Pampered Chef. Effort is required. I wish I could tell you money just magically appears in your bank account. 🙂